FNs rasdiskrimineringskommitté kritiserar Sverige

FNs rasdiskrimineringskommitté riktar återigen  kritik till Sverige i sin rapport från den 30 augusti 2013 när det gäller Sveriges brist på åtgärder i frågor som rör samerna:

Indigenous Sami

17.                            The Committee notes with concern that a bill on Sami rights was to be submitted to the Parliament in March 2010, reflecting on the outcomes of various inquiries in regard to Sami land as well as resources rights, but the draft bill was rejected by the Sami Parliament and other interest groups during the process of preparations. The Committee also expresses its concern that the State party allows major industrial and other activities affecting Sami, including under the Swedish Mining Act, to proceed in the Sami territories without Sami communities offering their free, prior and informed consent (arts. 5 (d)(v)).

Recalling its general recommendation No. 23 (1997) on indigenous peoples and previous concluding observations, the Committee recommends that the State party take further measures to facilitate the adoption of the new legislation on Sami rights, in consultation with the concerned communities, building on the studies undertaken into Sami land and resource rights which are considered mutually acceptable. The Committee also recommends that the State party adopt legislation and take other measures to ensure respect for the right of Sami communities to offer free, prior and informed consent whenever their rights may be affected by projects, including the extraction of natural resources, carried out in their traditional territories.

18.                            The Committee notes the problem of inadequate compensation by the State party for damages due to killings of reindeer of Sami herders by predators protected under the Swedish wildlife policy (art. 5 (d)(v) and 6).

The Committee recommends to the State party to continue its efforts to find ways to compensate the Sami reindeer herding communities for damages caused to them by predators, based on a negotiated settlement.

19.                            The Committee is concerned at the lack of progress as regards the development of a Nordic Sami Convention as well as the postponement by the State party of a ratification of International Labour Organization (ILO) Convention No. 169 (1989) on Indigenous and Tribal Peoples in Independent Countries (art. 5(e)(vi)).

The Committee reiterates its previous encouragement to the State party to contribute to the timely negotiation and adoption of a Nordic Sami Convention and to ratify ILO Convention No. 169.

Sámiid Riikkabellodat välkomnar FNs kritik mot Sverige passivitet när det gäller  frågor som rör oss samer och det samiska samhället.

Läs hela rapporten: fns-rasdiskrimineringskommmitte-rapport-sept-2013