Arctic peoples conference 21-22 november 2013 i Köpenhamn

Publicerat 21 november 2013

The Arctic Peoples’ Conference will take place November 21-22, 2013 at Christiansborg Palace, the Danish Parliament building in Copenhagen, Denmark.Inuit Circumpolar Council and Saami Council invited a number of Indigenous Arctic leaders and key players of the international cooperation to the Arctic Peoples’ Conference in commemoration of the first conference that took place in the same building forty years ago, and to discuss new developments and their consequences on the daily life of Arctic Peoples.

Under  jubileumskonferensen Arctic Peoples’ Conference för firandet av 40 år av samarbete mellan inuiter och samer kommer Lars Anders Baer, Chairman of Barents Euro-Arctic Council Working Group of Indigenous Peoples,  att föreläsa om gruvkonflikten i Gállok (Kallak) och därmed påminna konferensdeltagarna om de reella och aktuella hot som urfolken står inför.

Här är hela programmet: Arctic_peoples conference_agenda_nov-2013