Publicerad 2015-12-02
Saami Council Position Paper.
Adopted by the Saami Council 11.10.2015
Sápmi, Murmansk, Russian Federation.
The Arctic, including traditional Saami territories, is facing more rapid
and large scale changes than ever before. The Saami people and our
livelihoods are impacted by climate and environmental changes. The Saami
people are also impacted by adaptation and mitigation strategies put in
force by the national states.
The Saami Conference calls for full and effective participation”by the Saami
people in decision making processes concerning land use change and climate
change policies.The 20th Saami Conference. We offer to share with humanity
our Traditional Knowledge, innovations, and practices relevant to climate
change, provided our fundamental rights as intergenerational guardians of
this knowledge are fully recognized land respected. We reiterate the urgent
need for collective action.
The ongoing climate change in the Arctic causes significant changes in
water, oceans, snow, ice and permafrost conditions, with cascading effects
on biodiversity, ecosystems, economic and!human living conditions in the
Arctic with repercussions around the world, substantial cuts in emissions
of CO2, Methane and!other greenhouse gases are necessary for any
meaningful global climate change mitigation efforts. We call for reduction
of the short lived climate pollutants emitted within and beyond the
borders of the Arctic States that have substantial impact on the Arctic
health of humans, animals and environment.
Many of the green energy projects as hydropower dams,windmill parks
and development of green technology are all demanding big areas, often
on indigenous peoples land. Therefore it is of outmost importance to
ensure special safeguards for indigenous peoples and to promote the
respect of their rights to Free, Prior and Informed Consent, with the
right to say No, in all decisions that will affect our lives and generations
to come, as spelled out in the UN Declaration Rights of Indigenous Peoples
(UNDRIP) adopted in 2007.
We call on the States to have the political will to commit to identified
targets that will keep the Global temperature increase below 1.5!°C. All
parties must uphold the common but differentiated responsibilities with
clear commitments and actions.
The International Indigenous Peoples Forum on Climate Change (IIPFCC) was established
in 2008, as the Caucus for IPs participating in the UNFCCC processes. The IIPFCC
represents the IP Caucus members who are present/attending the official UNFCCC COPs
and intersessional sessions of the SBSTA/SBI bodies in between COPs. Its mandate is to
come into agreement specifically on what IPs will be negotiating for in specific UNFCCC
processes. IP representatives attending the meetings have their own organizations at subnational,
national and global levels which have their own agenda, priorities and own proposals that they
may carry and push for during the IP Caucus meetings.
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