Sámiid Riikkabellodat stöder Standing Rock Sioux Tribe

Publicerat 20 september 2016

The Saamilandparty in Sweden expresses support for the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe in the Tribe’s fight to stop the construction of a pipeline across its land

The Standing Rock Sioux Tribe is currently involved in a peaceful fight aiming to stop the Dakota Access Pipeline Corporation’s plans to construct an oil pipeline right across the Tribe’s territory, including through lands that are sacred to the Tribe and through water reserves cardinal to the well-being and survival of the members of the Tribe. The project enjoys the support of the government of the United States.

If the pipeline project would to be pursued, it would violate fundamental human rights of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe, including its sovereign right as a nation, the right to self-determination, the right to lands, waters, and natural resources, the right to culture, and the right to health. The pipeline would constitute an imminent threat to the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe’s continued existence as a nation as well as to the physical health of its members.

The Saamilandparty expresses its deepest support for the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe’s efforts to stop the pipeline project. The party calls on the Dakota Access Pipeline Corporation as well as on the government of the United States to immediately abort the plans to construct an oil pipeline across the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe’s territory.


Per Olof Nutti

Leader of Saamilandparty